Vue Dashboard Light Blue Admin


Vue Dashboard Light Blue Admin is an dashboard template built with VueJS, Vue CLI and Bootstrap4. Unique unobtrusive design with slightly transparent widgets and gradient background make this Vue JS template a rare offer among other vue templates.

Vue Dashboard Light Blue Admin - Gif animated intro.

Dashboard features

How to use it

Vue Dashboard Light Blue Admin is released under the MIT license, and the app can be built directly from sources

In order to understand the code and use the app, we need at least a basic knowledge about Javascript, Vue and command line tools (yarn, node, npm). To build this admin dashboard we need to follow the intructions, provided by the publisher in the README file. In case you want to build the app, without leavind this page, please follow the steps:

$ git clone git clone
$ cd light-blue-vue-admin
$ yarn 
$ yarn start # live edit
$ yarn build # production build

The app is well organized, and the source code is clean and well documented. Vue Dashboard Light Blue Admin was successfully built on two environments (x64 Win10, and Ubuntu 18.04) without issues or workarounds.


By Sm0ke <('_')> #automation geek.
Projects: (open-source), AppSeed.

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