Ngx-Admin - Free Angular Dashboard


Ngx-Admin Dashboard is a popular admin dashboard based on Angular 8+ and Bootstrap 4+, free and open-source for personal and commercial purposes. The template comes with lots of popular UI components with a unified color scheme, plus it is based on a modern Angular framework and has a flexible component based structure.

Ngx-Admin Dashboard - App Screen Shot.

How to use it

Ngx-Admin Dashboard is an open-source product, released under MIT license. The source code and documentation contain enough information to help anyone building the app. In case you want to build this product, without leaving this page, just type:

$ git clone 
$ cd ngx-admin && npm i
$ npm start  

$ # visit http://localhost:4200 in your borwser

If all goes well, you shoud see Ngx-Admin app running in your preferred browser.

Ngx-Admin Resources

By Sm0ke <('_')> #automation geek.
Projects: (open-source), AppSeed.

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