BootstrapDash Admin Dashboards


Hello Coders,

In case your next project is an admin dashboard and your budget is not so generous to use a premium admin dashboard, using a free admin cpanel with a permissive license (MIT, LGPL) might be a good choice. BootstrapDash is a small company that provides free well-crafted admin dashboards, suitable for hobby or commercial projects.

Star Admin Free

Star Admin is a free responsive admin template built with Bootstrap 4. The template has colorful, attractive yet simple and elegant design. The template is well crafted, with all the components neatly and carefully designed and arranged within the template.

Star Admin is packed with all the features that fit your needs but not cramped with components you would not even use. It is an excellent fit to build admin panels, e-commerce systems, project management systems, CMS or CRM.

Although the template has a design like none other, it is easily customizable to suit your requirements. Star Admin comes with a clean and well-commented code that makes it easy to work with the template. Thus making it an ideal pick for jump starting your project.

Dashboard Links

Star Admin Free - The source code published on Github.

Purple Admin Panel

Purple Admin is a free responsive admin template built with Bootstrap 4. The template has colorful, attractive yet simple and elegant design. The template is well crafted, with all the components neatly and carefully designed and arranged within the template.

Purple Admin is packed with all the features that fit your needs but not cramped with components you would not even use. It is an excellent fit to build admin panels, e-commerce systems, project management systems, CMS or CRM.

Admin Panel Links

Purple Free - The source code published on Github.

Stellar Admin

Stellar admin template is completely based on the latest version of Bootstrap 4. Stellar Admin is designed to reflect the simplicity and svelte of the components and UI elements and coded to perfection with well-organized code. This makes it easy to change its looks to anything that you desire on your admin panel. Stellar Admin is a perfect pick to create any kind of simple or complex backend applications or any other web applications.

The template is always kept up to date and kept up with the latest technologies. Stellar is a completely responsive admin template that gives you an effortless viewing experience on mobile devices as well as small and large desktops.

Admin Panel Links

Stellar Free Admin Panel - The source code published on Github.

Material Admin

Material Admin is yet another incredible admin template from Bootstrapdash that is based on Google Material Design framework. The template is tastefully designed and coded to perfection. Material Admin comes packed with a lot of material design components, UI elements and built-in sample pages to kick-start your project.

The template is highly customizable so that you can alter the design to suit your needs and give it a unique look and very well-documented to help you get started without any issues.

Admin Panel Links

Material Admin Dashboard - The source code published on Github.

For more admin dashboards and freebies, please access the official BootstrapDash website. Thanks for reading!

What is a dashboard

A dashboard is a set of pages that are easy to read and offer information to the user in real-time regarding his business. A dashboard usually consists of graphical representations of the current status and trends within an organization. Having a well-designed dashboard will give you the possibility to act and make informed decisions based on the data that your business provides - definition provided by Creative-Tim - Free Dashboard Templates.

By Sm0ke <('_')> #automation geek.
Projects: (open-source), AppSeed.

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