Using open-source projects and freebies is great and most of the time the final product might satisfy most of your customers. In case you are looking for more, this article is for you. A paid product over a free one has some advantages that help you to move faster with your delivery based on the fact that you have more assets to use and the support is super important when a problem occurs.
All admin dashboards presented in this article are coded and actively supported by AppSeed, the platform that generates UI-Ready web apps using only flat HTML as input.
What is a dashboard
A dashboard is a set of pages that are easy to read and offer information to the user in real-time regarding his business. A dashboard usually consists of graphical representations of the current status and trends within an organization. Having a well-designed dashboard will give you the possibility to act and make informed decisions based on the data that your business provides - definition provided by Creative-Tim - Free Dashboard Templates.
Flask Dashboard Black PRO - LIVE Demo
Commercial Flask Admin Dashboard coded on top of Black Dashboard PRO design. Features:
- SQLite, PostgreSQL
- SQLAlchemy ORM, Alembic (for db schema migration)
- Modular design with Blueprints
- Session-Based authentication (via flask_login), Forms validation
- Deployment scripts: Docker, Gunicorn / Nginx, Waitress
Flask Dashboard Dashkit PRO - LIVE Demo
Commercial Admin Dashboard coded in Flask Framework on top of Dashkit Dashboard PRO design. Features:
- SQLite, PostgreSQL, SQLAlchemy ORM
- Alembic (DB schema migrations)
- Modular design with Blueprints
- Session-Based authentication (via flask_login), Forms validation
- Deployment scripts: Docker, Gunicorn / Nginx, Waitress
Flask Dashboard Argon PRO - LIVE Demo
Commercial Flask Admin Dashboard coded on top of Argon Dashboard PRO design. Features:
- SQLite, PostgreSQL
- SQLAlchemy ORM, Alembic (for db schema migration)
- Modular design with Blueprints
- Session-Based authentication (via flask_login), Forms validation
- Deployment scripts: Docker, Gunicorn / Nginx, Waitress
Flask Dashboard Material PRO - LIVE Demo
Commercial Flask Admin Dashboard coded on top of Material Dashboard PRO design. Features:
- SQLite, PostgreSQL
- SQLAlchemy ORM, Alembic (for db schema migration)
- Modular design with Blueprints
- Session-Based authentication (via flask_login), Forms validation
- Deployment scripts: Docker, Gunicorn / Nginx, Waitress
Django Dashboard Dashkit PRO - LIVE Demo
Admin Dashboard coded in Django Framework on top of Dashkit PRO design. Features:
- UI-Ready PRO Kit: Dashkit PRO provided by CssNinja
- SQLite, native ORM
- Clean code-base and modular design
- Session-Based authentication (login, register), Forms validation
- Deployment scripts: Docker, Gunicorn / Nginx, Waitress
Django Dashboard Black PRO - LIVE Demo
Admin Dashboard coded in Django Framework on top of Black Dashboard PRO design. Features:
- UI-Ready PRO Kit: Black Dashboard PRO provided by Creative-Tim
- SQLite, native ORM
- Clean code-base and modular design
- Session-Based authentication (login, register), Forms validation
- Deployment scripts: Docker, Gunicorn / Nginx, Waitress
Django Dashboard Material PRO - LIVE Demo
Admin Dashboard coded in Django Framework on top of Material Dashboard PRO design. Features:
- UI-Ready PRO Kit: Material Dashboard PRO provided by Creative-Tim
- SQLite, native ORM
- Clean code-base and modular design
- Session-Based authentication (login, register), Forms validation
- Deployment scripts: Docker, Gunicorn / Nginx, Waitress
Django Dashboard Argon PRO- LIVE Demo
Admin Dashboard coded in Django Framework on top of Argon Dashboard PRO design. Features:
- UI-Ready PRO Kit: Argon Dashboard Pro provided by Creative-Tim
- SQLite, native ORM
- Clean code-base and modular design
- Session-Based authentication (login, register), Forms validation
- Deployment scripts: Docker, Gunicorn / Nginx, Waitress
Django Dashboard NowUI PRO - LIVE Demo
Admin Dashboard coded in Django Framework on top of NowUI Dashboard PRO design. Features:
- UI-Ready PRO Kit: NowUI Dashboard PRO provided by Creative-Tim
- SQLite, native ORM
- Clean code-base and modular design
- Session-Based authentication (login, register), Forms validation
- Deployment scripts: Docker, Gunicorn / Nginx, Waitress
Flask Dashboard Atlantis Dark PRO - LIVE Demo
Commercial product - Flask Dashboard coded on top of Atlantis Dark PRO crafted by ThemeKita. Features:
- SQLite, PostgreSQL
- SQLAlchemy ORM, Alembic (for db schema migration)
- Modular design with Blueprints
- Session-Based authentication (via flask_login), Forms validation
- Deployment scripts: Docker, Gunicorn / Nginx, Waitress
Flask Dashboard Paper PRO - LIVE Demo
Commercial Flask Admin Dashboard coded on top of Paper Dashboard PRO design. Features:
- SQLite, PostgreSQL
- SQLAlchemy ORM, Alembic (for db schema migration)
- Modular design with Blueprints
- Session-Based authentication (via flask_login), Forms validation
- Deployment scripts: Docker, Gunicorn / Nginx, Waitress
Django Dashboard Light PRO - LIVE Demo
Admin Dashboard coded in Django Framework on top of Light Dashboard PRO design. Features:
- UI-Ready PRO Kit: Light Dashboard PRO provided by Creative-Tim
- SQLite, native ORM
- Clean code-base and modular design
- Session-Based authentication (login, register), Forms validation
- Deployment scripts: Docker, Gunicorn / Nginx, Waitress
Flask Dashboard Atlantis Dark PRO - LIVE Demo
Commercial product - Flask Dashboard coded on top of Atlantis Dark PRO crafted by ThemeKita. Features:
- SQLite, PostgreSQL
- SQLAlchemy ORM, Alembic (for db schema migration)
- Modular design with Blueprints
- Session-Based authentication (via flask_login), Forms validation
- Deployment scripts: Docker, Gunicorn / Nginx, Waitress
Links & Resources
- PRO Flask Dashboards - Premium UI Kits coded in Flask Framework
- PRO Django Dashboards - Premium UI Kits coded in Django Framework
- Open-Source Admin Dashboards - Open-source Admin Panels coded / generated on top of various frameworks: Flask, Django and released under permissive licenses: MIT, LGPL