Vue Dashboard ArchitectUI


As a base framework, ArchitectUI Vue is powered by @vue/cli version 3.4.1 and Bootstrap 4 Vue implementation. It contains 15 handpicked Vue widgets and components that are perfectly integrated with each other in order to create a common design language.

Vue Dashboard ArchitectUI - Open-Source Admin Panel

In order to use this Vue theme you’ll need at least basic coding skills. Don’t worry, the theme has pretty straight forward coding and uses Vue Router for the navigation links.

How to use it

Vue Dashboard Star Admin is released under the MIT license, and the app can be built directly from sources

In order to understand the code and use the app, we need at least a basic knowledge about Javascript, Vue and command line tools (yarn, node, npm).

$ # clone the sources
$ git clone
$ cd vue-dashboard-architectui-free
$ yarn # install modules
$ yarn serve # start the app in development mode
$ yarn build # production build

Vue Dashboard ArchitectUI Screens

Vue Dashboard ArchitectUI - App Screen 1.

Vue Dashboard ArchitectUI - App Screen 2.

Vue Dashboard ArchitectUI Resources

By Sm0ke <('_')> #automation geek.
Projects: (open-source), AppSeed.

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