Flask Dashboard Now UI PRO


Flask Dashboard Now UI is built on top of a fully responsive, pixel-perfect Now UI Design PRO crafted by Creative-Tim agency, equipped with a basic set of features:

Your project requires authentication? No worries, Flask Argon Dashboard includes authentication by default. Other features: FTP deploy script, static export via Frozen-Flask.

Flask Dashboard Now UI - Gif animated intro.

Dashboard Screenshots

Flask Dashboard Now UI Pro - App Screen.

Flask Dashboard Now UI Pro - App Screen.

Flask Dashboard Now UI Pro - App Screen.


This is a commercial admin panel coded by AppSeed on top of a premium UI Kit crafted by Creative-Tim. For more information please access the product page: Flask Dashboard Now UI

Dashboard Resources

By Sm0ke <('_')> #automation geek.
Projects: Admin-Dashboards.com (open-source), AppSeed.

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