Admin Dashboard StarAdmin


Star Admin is a free responsive admin template built with Bootstrap 4. The template has colorful, attractive yet simple and elegant design. The template is well crafted, with all the components neatly and carefully designed and arranged within the template.

Star Admin is packed with all the features that fit your needs but not cramped with components you would not even use. It is an excellent fit to build admin panels, e-commerce systems, project management systems, CMS or CRM.

Admin Dashboard StarAdmin - Free Admin Panel.

Although the template has a design like none other, it is easily customizable to suit your requirements. Star Admin comes with a clean and well-commented code that makes it easy to work with the template. Thus making it an ideal pick for jump starting your project.

Star Admin Credits

  • Bootstrap 4
  • Font Awesome
  • jQuery
  • Gulp
  • Chart.js
  • Google Maps
  • Perfect Scrollbar

Build from sources

$ git clone
$ cd StarAdmin-Free-Bootstrap-Admin-Template
$ yarn # install modules
$ gulp serve # start the app in development mode
$ gulp build # production build

Star Admin Resources

Star Admin License

Star Admin is released under MIT license. Star Admin is a free Bootstrap 4 admin template developed from BootstrapDash. Feel free to download it, use it, share it, get creative with it.

By Sm0ke <('_')> #automation geek.
Projects: (open-source), AppSeed.

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