SB Admin Dashboard


SB Admin Dashboard is built on top of a fully responsive, pixel-perfect Argon Dashboard design, crafted by Creative-Tim agency.

Dashboard features

  • SCSS based theme with built in gulp task for compiling CSS
  • A flexbox based layout with a static sidebar and a top navigation
  • Toggleable sidebar menu with intuitive toggled states
  • Custom panel styling
  • Interactive charts by Chart.js plugin
  • Interactive tables by dataTables plugin
  • Login, Registration, Forgot Password, 404, and Blank starter HTML pages

SB Admin Dashboard - Dashboard ScreenShot.

Build from sources

 $ git clone
 $ cd startbootstrap-sb-admin
 $ gulp # install modules
 $ gulp dev # browserSync opens the project in browser
 $ gulp css # compiles SCSS
 $ gulp js # minifies the themes JS file

If all goes well, you shoud see SB Admin Dashboard app running, by visiting localhost:5000 in your preferred browser.

Dashboard Resources

By Sm0ke <('_')> #automation geek.
Projects: (open-source), AppSeed.

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